The OGH's Sustainability Initiatives
Find out more about our environmentally conscious activities at The Old Government House, committed to providing a greener future.
26 Jan 2024
Find out more about our environmentally conscious activities at The Old Government House, committed to providing a greener future.
26 Jan 2024
At The Old Government House Hotel & Spa, our commitment to environmental and social responsibility has a multifaceted approach, find out more about our holistic dedication to creating a positive impact on both the environment and the community below.
As part of our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint which is part of an energy conservation program, we replaced our boilers in 2022. In 2023 we reduced our vehicle fleet and a large percentage of our electricity is from renewable sources. Eliminating single use plastic (SUP) has been at the forefront of our efforts towards sustainability here at The Old Government House. We're very proud to have eliminated the majority of SUPs, for example we are now using reusable containers in the kitchen which has provided a more sustainable system than clingfilm.
Kitchens can waste up to 20% of food purchased, often equivalent to their total net profits, as chefs too often lack the necessary tools to accurately measure and manage waste. What gets measured gets managed, and by using data intelligently kitchens can be made more efficient. Winnow develops technology to help chefs achieve greater visibility in their kitchens and make better decisions that lead to dramatically reduced food waste and costs. In 2020, Red Carnation Hotels partnered with Winnow Solutions to tackle the issue of food waste and set targets to halve this by 2025.
At The Old Government House Hotel & Spa we place a great significance on using premium, locally sourced products in our menu. This enables us to provide exceptional service, whilst being aligned with these values. From April 2024, all Guernsey menus will start showing dishes that contain locally sourced ingredients by featuring a 'Guernsey mark', promoting local produce showcasing to locals and tourists which dishes on menus are using local products. The Old Government House will be proud to adopt this new initiative upon its release on all our menus.
The Old Government House Hotel & Spa has provided strong volunteering contributions to our group efforts over the last year. While there are limited opportunities to partner with organisations, we have a sustainability team who arrange various volunteering and fundraising events including a beach clean and a swimathon: 30 Bays in 30 Days.
We are deeply committed to protecting our environment and contributing to local causes, including phasing out single-use plastics, saving energy, reducing food waste. We are proud to also be working with the following charities and companies dedicated to bringing positive change to the world: Les Bourgs Hospice and Cheshire Homes are the main charities we support.
Explore our range of sustainable experiences, chosen for the positive impact they have on the traveller and communities we explore. From exploring the biodiversity around Guernsey with our guide, Dave Bartram, to sampling a taste of Guernsey with Gill Girard, these experiences promise an unforgettable time understanding Guernsey's diverse cultural tapestry.
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