
Sark by horse & carriage

Just 50 minutes by boat from Guernsey, Sark is the crown jewel of the Channel Islands. With no cars, a horse-drawn carriage is the best way to explore. Join expert guide Philip Perrée to discover unspoilt landscapes, unpaved roads, the island museum, and the famous La Coupee bridge to Little Sark - perfect for a lunch or afternoon tea stop.

Price: £180 per five-seater carriage for a full day tour  

Monday to Friday

A walk on the art side

Join Silver-Accredited Guide Dave Bartram for A Walk on the Art Side in St Peter Port. Starting at Town Church, explore the old quarter, visit local galleries, and learn about artists inspired by the area. Meet gallery owners and artists while enjoying the art on display. This two to three hour tour is available for groups of up to 12.

Prices: £60 per person for a two-hour tour, £90 per person for a three-hour tour